Kamis, 13 Desember 2012


In linguistics and grammar, a pronoun is a word or form that substitutes for a noun or noun phrase. It is a particular case of a pro-form.

Pronouns have traditionally been regarded as one of the part of speach although many modern theorists would not regard them as a single distinct word class, because of the variety of functions performed by words which are classed as pronouns. Common types include the personal pronouns, relative pronouns, interrogative pronouns, demonstrative pronouns and indefinite pronouns.

In applying, pronoun have some function:

· Subject of verb (subjek kata kerja)


She has everything in her life

(dia memiliki segalanya dalam kehidupannya)

· Subject of complement (subjek pelengkap)


Mine is more interesting

(milikku lebih menarik)

· Object of verb (objek kata kerja)


We dont’t like it

(kami tidak menyukai ini)

· Object of preposition (objek kata depan)


I am proud of her

(saya bangga padanya)

· Head of modifier (inti penjelas)


They have something different

(mereka memiliki sesuatu yang berbeda)

· Adverb of vocative (kata keterangan penyeru)


You, go out!

(kamu, keluar!)

Types of pronouns

Ø Personal pronoun (kata ganti personal)

Personal pronoun have some function, there are:

Subject forms (fungsi subjek)
Object forms (fungsi objek)
Attributive possessive forms (fungsi kepemilikan beratribut)
Independent possessive forms (fungsi kepemilikan non-atribut)
Reflexive forms (fungsi refleksi


o Two days ago I met Amien Rais

o Yesterday I met him again

o Please put the glass on the table, put it carefully

Ø Reflexive pronoun (kata ganti refleksi)

Reflexive pronoun use for:

1. Same subject and object


o He killed himself

o She spoke to herself

2. expressing is self-supporting


o i myself opened the window

o mother opened the window herself

3. expressing alone


o she went there by herself

o i did the work by my self

Ø Reciprocal pronoun (kata ganti timbal balik)

Representing word change generating meaning each other or is reciprocal. Reciprocal pronoun consist of two type there are:

o Each other, for expressing between two people


ü Andri and Andrea love each other

(Andri dan Andrea saling mencintai)

ü Louis and Lissa are interested in each other

(Louis dan Lissa saling tertarik satu sama lain)

o One another, for expressing between more form two people


ü My friends throw the cream one another

(teman-temanku saling melempar es krim)

ü The army and the enemy shoot one another in that war

( tentara dan musuhnya saling tembak dalam peperangan itu)

Ø Demonstrative pronoun (kata ganti penunjuk)

Demonstrative pronoun consist of some following word:

o This for showing one object which laid at near


§ This is your T-shirt

(ini kaosmu)

§ I like this

(saya suka ini)

o That for showing one object which laid at far


§ That is my uncle

(itu pamanku)

§ My father is that

(ayahku yang itu)

o These for showing two object or more which laid at near


§ These are my students

(ini siswa-siswaku)

§ Don’t talk about these

(jangan bicarakan hal-hal ini)

o Those for showing two object or more which laid at far


§ Those are my friends

(itu teman-temanku)

§ The books are those

(buku-bukunya adalah itu)

Pronoun for people
Pronoun for thing
v The other
v The others
v Each other
v One another
v Somebody
v Anybody
v Someone
v Anyone
v No one
v One
v Everybody
v Everyone
v Something
v Anything
v Nothing
v Everything

Ø Interrogative pronoun (kata ganti tanya)

Interrogative pronoun is word change used to make question. four kinds of word which including pronoun interogative is who, whom, what, which. whose pronoun possessive earn also function as pronoun interogative. its tables shall be as follows:



Who told you?
(siapa yang memberitahumu?)
John told me.
(john yang memberitahuku)
Whom did you tell?
(siapa yang kamu beritahu?)
I told Mary
(saya memberitahu Mary)
What has happened?
(apa yang telah terjadi?)
An accident has happened
(sebuah kecelakaan telah terjadi)
What do you want?
(apa yang kamu mau?)
I want a cup of coffe
(saya mau secangkir kopi)
Which come first?
(yang mana yang datang pertama?)
The lion air come first
(lion air yang datang pertama)
There’s one car missing. Whose hasn’t arrived?
(ada satu mobil yang tidak ada. Punya siapa yang belum datang?)
John’s car hasn’t arrived.
(mobil jhon yang belum datang)
Bob found a key. Whose did you find, bob?
(Bob telah menemukan sebuah kunci. Punya siapa yang kamu temukan bob?)
I found john’s key
(saya menemukan kunci milik john)
Which will the doctor see first?
(yang mana yang akan di periksa dokter pertama kali?)
The doctor will see the patient with the blue shirt first.
(pertama kali dokter akan memeriksa pasien yang berbaju biru.)

Ø Relative pronoun (kata ganti penghubung)

Relative pronoun is pronoun which adressed at pronoun which prioritize of it.

There are:

o Who


The boy who is wearing the brown jacket is my brother

(laki-laki yang sedang memakai jaket coklat itu adalah kakakku)

o Whom


I am curious about the girl whom i met yesterday

(saya penasaran dengan gadis yang saya temui kemarin

o Whose


The old man whose hair is white is my great grandfather

(laki-laki tua yang rambutnya putih itu adalah kakek buyutku)

o Which

The book which you borrowed yesterday is mine

(buku yang kamu pinjam kemaren adalah milikku)

o That


The book that you borrowed yesterday is mine

(buku yang kamu pinjam kemaren adalah milikku)

Ø Indefinite pronoun (kata ganti tak tentu)

Indefinite pronoun is pronoun which use for change persons, things, or quantities which unclear.

Indefinite persons or things
Some : somebody, someone, something
Any: anybody, anyone, anything
No : nobody, no one, nothing
Every: everybody, everyone, everything
Indefinite quantities
All, another, any, both, each, either, few, least, less, little, a lot of, lots of, many, more, most, much. Neither, none, one, others, plenty of, several, some


§ I met somebody in the market this morning

§ I have nothing to eat

§ Anybody home??

 Relative Pronoun

Relative pronoun is

Object / Consept
who, that
which, that
who, whom, that
which, that

Ø Who

Who used for people as subject and object.

Example :

· I hate the man who is standing in front of me.

(Aku benci lelaki yang berdiri di depanku.)

· The teacher who sings in the class is my Music teacher.

(Guru yang menyanyi di kelas adalah guru musikku.)

· The man who bought your car yesterday is my uncle.

(Lelaki yang membeli mobilmu kemarin adalah pamanku.)

· The student who always makes noise in the class is Anwar.

(Murid yang selalu membuat kegaduhan di kelas adalah Anwar.)

· The man who came to my house yesterday was Alex.

(Laki-laki yang datang ke rumahku kemarin adalah Alex.)

Ø Whom

Whom used for people as object.

Example :

· The man whom you met yesterday is my brother.

(Lelaki yang kamu temui kemarin adalah kakakku.)

· The boy whom we visited is her boyfriend.

(Anak lelaki yang kita kunjungi kemarin adalah pacarnya.)

· He paid the man whom he had hired.

(Dia membayar lelaki yang telah dia pekerjakan.)

· He is the man whom I love.

(Dia adalah laki-laki yang aku cintai.)

· They are my friends whom I told you yesterday.

(Mereka adalah teman-temanku yang aku ceritakan kepadamu kemarin.)

Ø Whose

Whose used for kepemilikan.

Example :

· The man whose son is a pilot is very proud.

(Lelaki yang memiliki anak seorang pilot sangat bangga.)

· The girl whose father is a professor didn’t pass the examination.

(Perempuan yang memiliki ayah seorang professor itu tidak lulus ujian.)

· The Lady whose child is in hospital now is my sister.

(Wanita yang anaknya di rumah sakit itu adalah kakak perempuanku.)

· She is a woman whose husband is very rich.

(Dia adalah wanita yang suaminya sangat kaya.)

· Dinda is my friend whose brother lives in Semarang.

(Dinda adalah temanku yang kakaknya tinggal di Semarang.)

Ø Which

Which used for object/consept as subject and object.

Example :

· We are waiting for the bus which goes to Bogor

(Kita menunggu bis yang akan pergi ke Bogor.)

· The book which I bought yesterday is cheap.

(Buku yang aku beli kemarin murah.)

· The letter which I received last night is from my uncle.

(Surat yang aku terima kemarin malam adalah dari pamanku.)

· The pen which I bought is red.

(Pulpen yang aku beli berwarna merah.)

· These are candies which my mother bought.

(Ini adalah permen yang ibuku belikan.)

Ø Where

Where used to explain place as subject.

Example :

· This is the shop where I bought my bike.

(Ini adalah toko dimana aku membeli sepeda.)

· I don’t know where you put your bag.

(Aku tidak tahu dimana kamu meletakkan tasmu.)

· She buys her handphone in the shop where I sell my handphone.

(Dia membeli handphone di toko dimana aku menjual handphoneku.)

Ø When

When used to explain time as subject.

Example :

· I was sleeping when my mother phoned me.

(Aku sedang tidur ketika ibuku menelponku.)

· Do you know when they arrive?

(Apakah kamu tahu kapan mereka tiba?)

· My friend got married when I was studying abroad.

(Temanku menikah ketika aku sedang belajar di luar negeri)

Ø Why

Why digunakan sebagai keterangan.

Example :

· I am surprised why you don’t pass the examination.

(Aku terkejut kenapa kamu tidak lulus ujian)

· She doesn’t know why her mother leaves her father.

(Dia tidak tahu kenapa ibunya meninggalkan ayahnya)

· He didn’t explain to me why he resigned from the company.

(Dia tidak menjelaskan kepadaku kenapa dia mengundurkan diri dari perusahaan)

Ø That

That can used to replace who, which, whom as subject and object.

Example :

· I hate the man that is standing in front of me.

(Aku benci lelaki yang berdiri di depanku)

· The man that you met yesterday is my brother.

(Lelaki yang kamu temui kemarin adalah kakaku)

· The book that I bought yesterdat is cheap.

(Buku yang aku beli kemarin murah)

· She is girl that always wears short skirt everyday.

(Dia adalah gadis yang setiap hari selalu memakai rok pendek)

· This is the bag that my father gave on my birthday.

(Itu adalah tas yang ayahku berikan saat ulang tahunku)


Ø What

What can used for express what’s going on or who is of a thing.

Example :

· I don’t understand what you mean.

(Aku tidak mengerti apa yang kamu maksud)

· That is what i like.

(Itulah yang aku suka)

Contoh Relative Pronoun

Adapun contoh relative pronoun (bold) pada relative clause (garis bawah) di dalam complex sentence dapat dilihat pada tabel sebagai berikut.

Relative Pronoun
Contoh Relative Pronoun dalam Kalimat
who (siapa)
whoever (siapapun)
Relative pronoun ini berfungsi menghubungkan noun berupa orang (subject/object of sentence) dengan verb padaadjective clause.Di dalamadjective clause, relative pronoun ini berfungsi sebagai subjek atau objek.
The boy who is playing football on the yard is my neighbour.
Who merupakan subjek dari verb= is playing dan memperkenalkan adjective clause yang menerangkan subjek= the boy.
I looked for a man whoborrowed me money.
Who merupakan subjek dari verb= borrowed dan memperkenalkan klausa yang menerangkan a man.
which (yang mana)
whichever (yang manapun)
Berfungsi menghubungkannoun benda, binatang, atau kadang-kadang orang (subject/object of sentence) dengan adjective clause. Which lebih spesifik dari what. Di dalam adjective clause, relative pronoun ini merujuk kepada subjek atau objek.
The table whichwas made of oak wood has broken.
Which merupakan subjek dari verb=was made dan memperkenalkan adjective clause yang menerangkan subjek= the table.
He always eats bread whicheverhe likes.
Whichever merupakan objek dari verb= likes dan memperkenalkan klausa yang menerangkan direct object= bread.
whose (punya siapa/milik siapa)
Relative pronoun ini berfungsi untuk menyatakan kepemilikan terhadap benda maupun orang yang diterangkan pada bagian klausa-nya.
The womanwhose car I want to buy is my old friend.
whom(dengan/untuk/kepada siapa)
whomever(dengan/untuk/kepada siapapun)
Whom merupakan bentuk yang lebih formal dari who. Whomsering diawali oleh preposition(berfungsi sebagai object of preposition). Relative pronoun ini berfungsi sebagai objek pada adjective clause.
She is the woman to whom I wanted to meet.
Whom merupakan object of preposition ”to” serta menerangkan adjective clause yang menerangkan the woman.
The team whom you were watchinghas won three gold medals.
Whom merupakan object dari verb= were watching serta memperkenalkan klausa yang menerangkan subjek= the team.
Relative pronoun ini berfungsi untuk menghubungkan nounsebagai benda atau kadang-kadang orang (subject/object of sentence) dengan adjective clause.Di dalam adjective clause, relative pronoun ini merujuk kepada subjek atau objek. That digunakan padadefining clause (restrictive).That cenderung informal (dibanding who dan which)
Cats that live in the wild may have a better immune system.
That merupakan subjek dari verb= live serta memperkenalkan adjective clause yang menerangkan subjek= cats.
The laptop that I bought five years ago is still work properly.
That merupakan objek dari verb= bought serta memperkenalkan klausa yang menerangkan subjek= laptop.

Relative pronouns adalah kata ganti yang menunjuk pada kata benda yang mendahuluinya (antecedent) yang berfungsi sebagai penghubung dalam kalimat. Relative pronouns biasa diletakkan di awal dependent clause atau anak kalimat yang menerangkan atau memberikan informasi tambahan kepada independent clause ataumain clause.

Kata ganti yang digunakan adalah: who, whom, whose, which, dan that.

- The man who is sitting in the corner is my friend.

- The boy whom we visited is her boyfriend.

- The girl whose car was sold will go to study abroad.

- The filing cabinet, which we purchase last week, is very well built.

- The book that describes about behaviour of animal is expensive.

Kata who, whom, whose, which, dan that pada contoh di atas menunjuk pada kata benda sebelumnya (the man, the boy, the girl, the filling cabinet, the book).

Nouns (kata benda) atau pronouns (kata ganti) seperti the man, the boy, the girl, the filling cabinet, dan the book disebut dengan istilah antecedent.

- Voters whose names begin with the letters M to Z should go to Room 2.

- That photo is a reminder of someone who was very important to me.

- Hands up everyone who would like a drink.

- A mole is an animal that lives underground.

- He was accused of being drunk in charge of a vehicle, which is a serious offence.

Untuk menunjuk pada orang, gunakan relative pronouns: who, whom, whose dan that.

- the man who spoke

- the man that spoke (meskipun pemakaian that juga benar, who lebih disarankan sebagai subject pronoun)

- the man that I saw

- the man whom I saw (meskipun pemakaian whom juga benar, that lebih disarankan sebagai object pronoun)

Untuk menunjuk pada benda lainnya atau hewan, gunakan relative pronouns: which, that dan whose.

- the cat which was sitting on the mat

- the cat that was sitting on the mat

- the book whose cover was torn

- a book to which I often refer

Ketika menunjuk pada sesuatu benda, of which bisa dipakai untuk menggantikanwhose.

- a book the cover of which was torn

Perluasan relative pronouns dengan kata ganti seperti whoever, whomever, whateverdikenal sebagai indefinite relative pronouns (relative pronouns tanpa antecedent).

- The boy will tease whomever he likes.

- She said whatever came to mind.

- Let in whoever comes to me.

Kata what juga dapat digunakan sebagai indefinite relative pronouns, contoh:

- I will tell you what you need to know.

- I know what I like.


Who disebut sebagai subject pronoun dan whom sebagai object pronoun. Hal ini bisa dibandingkan dengan he dan him, they dan them, dsb.

- the man who was there (bandingkan ‘he was there’)

- the man whom I saw (bandingkan ‘I saw him’)

Kata whom lebih sering digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris formal. Dalam penggunaannya sehari-hari, baik dalam bentuk percakapan maupun tulisan, whombiasanya diganti dengan who.

- the man who I saw

- the man who you were speaking to

Whom tidak bisa digantikan oleh who bila sebelumnya didahului oleh preposition.

- the man to whom you were speaking

- They elected Smith chairman, than whom there could have been no better choice.

Biasanya bentuk preposition + whom ini dipakai dalam bahasa Inggris formal.

Indefinite relative pronouns memiliki sifat yang terdapat pada relative pronouns maupunindefinite pronouns. Jenis pronouns ini seperti menunjuk pada suatu kata benda, tetapi orang atau benda yang dimaksud tidak disebutkan dengan jelas

example sentences
S=subject, O=object, P=possessive
defining relative clauses
- The person who phoned me last night is my teacher.
- The person that phoned me last night is my teacher.
That is preferable
- The car which hit me was yellow.
- The car that hit me was yellow.
That is preferable
- The person whom I phoned last night is my teacher.
- The people who I phoned last night are my teachers.
- The person that I phoned last night is my teacher.
- The person I phoned last night is my teacher.
Whom is correct but formal. The relative pronoun is optional.
- The car which I drive is old.
- The car that I drive is old.
- The car I drive is old.
That is preferable to which. The relative pronoun is optional.
- The student whose phone just rang should stand up.
- Students whose parents are wealthy pay extra.
- The police are looking for the carwhose driver was masked.
- The police are looking for the car of which the driver was masked.
Whose can be used with things. Of which is also possible.
non-defining relative clauses
- Mrs Pratt, who is very kind, is my teacher.
- The car, which was a taxi, exploded.
- The cars, which were taxis, exploded.
- Mrs Pratt, whom I like very much, is my teacher.
- Mrs Pratt, who I like very much, is my teacher.
Whom is correct but formal. Who is common in spoken English and informal written English.
- The car, which I was driving at the time, suddenly caught fire.
- My brother, whose phone you just heard, is a doctor.
- The car, whose driver jumped out just before the accident, was completely destroyed.
- The car, the driver of which jumped out just before the accident, was completely destroyed.
Whose can be used with things. Of which is also possible.

Contoh contoh relative pronoun

1) I talked to the girl whose car had broken down in front of the shop.
2) Mr Richards, who is a taxi driver, lives on the corner.
3) We often visit our aunt in Norwich which is in East Anglia.
4) This is the girl who comes from Spain.
5) That's Peter, the boy who has just arrived at the airport.
6) Thank you very much for your e-mail which was very interesting.
7) The man, whose father is a professor, forgot his umbrella.
8) The children, who shouted in the street, are not from our school.
9) The car, whose driver is a young man, is from Ireland.
10) What did you do with the money which your mother lent you?

Relatitive Pronoun terdiri dari 2 Jenis Yaitu :
1. Defining Relative : Hanya menjelaskan terbatas kepasa Subyek dan ditulis tanpa tanda koma.
The boy who broke the school-window is Tom.
2. Non Defining Relative : Menjelaskan tidak terbatas hanya kepada Subyek tetapi ada suatu keterangan lebih lanjut tentang Subyek itu sendiri dan ditulis dengan tanda koma.
Tom, who is naughty boy, broke the school-window


Sumber Refrensi

1. Complete english grammar for everyone easy and simple tools for learning and teaching grammar by Mettayana Anggun Puspitasari, S.Pd & Roro Ayu Kusumastuti, S.Pd

2. To whom it may concern, Practical English Grammar and exercise by Grace Arliany Widjaja

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